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Travel back in time with Trappistes Rochefort by taking a sip of these Belgian bottles of goodness. The Rochefort Brewery dates right back to the 16th century and is one of the few remaining Trappist breweries in the world.

This lot sells three different beverages (named Rochefort 6, 8 and 10), all of which are brewed by the monks themselves. The water for these beers is even pulled from a well within the monastery walls – talk about traditional!

These authentic ales are dark and strong, each one going up in ABV percentage. To start off, try the Rochefort 6; this dubbel is the oldest in the range. Glug down a glass of this stuff to enjoy the aromas of spiced fruit and the malty flavour that follows.

So, if you fancy a drink all the way from the Abbey of Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy, order a case online, today. You’ll be pouring yourself a pint of history before you know it!